Showing 49–52 of 52 results


With more than 25.000 W dynamically, the Zero 12 is not for the faint hearted. 12.500 watts @ 1 ohm and operational voltage from 9 v to 17.5 v makes this amplifier one of the most versatile half-bridge amplifiers on the market. Unique features such as logical quads, daisy chain gain, fan control & remote gain controller incl clip, temperature and voltage, The Zero 12 raises the bar.


Zero 15 - Vegvisir. Also referred to as the Viking Compass, it guides you safely through rough weather. This amplifier will guide you on the straight pass to divine power, utilizing its potential to control your subwoofers with AUTHORITY.


Zero6 - The amplifier that continues the battle of the legendary Zero.7 introduced nearly a decade ago. Built on the same formula, Korean half-bridge design, massive heatsinks and plenty of power input terminals.


Get ready to experience the power of the Zero 9 amplifier! This compact yet mighty device provides over 16,000 W of dynamic power and is rated at 8,500 watts at 1 ohm, 14.4v. You can trust that this Class D Half-Bridge amplifier has all the unique features you need in this range. And don't forget about its impressive versatility; the test sheet demonstrates 6,600 watts at 2 ohms. The Zero 9 will meet all your audio needs with ease.